案例簡介 Case description
Asian design award winners
Affiliation:Shanghai FD Architectural Design
Designer:Yi You
description:Light in the darkness. Light is the tears and mercy of god, the shadow of the fragment of the star. The background of universal microwave is the oldest light in the universe. The soul of romanticism produces a fabulous light. Measure the time and space of darkness with light, feel the light shining in the deep universe. God melted the light into darkness. The ideal absurdity. Everything I am available is that even a world without a god can also produce rich behavior styles and a man stay on the universe alone can also create his own value. I think that is the only problem we are facing to in this era. ——Albert Camus
黑暗的光明。 光是神的淚水與慈悲,是繁星碎片的留影。宇宙微波的背景,是宇宙中最古老的光。浪漫主義的靈魂,誕生了神話般的光芒。用光丈量黑暗的時間和空間,感受光在宇宙深處耀眼。神把光融在了黑色里。 理想的荒誕。 我所能做的一切,就是要展示即使是在一個沒有上帝的世界里,也能夠產(chǎn)生豐富的行為方式,獨自處于宇宙中的人仍然能夠創(chuàng)造他自己的價值。我認為這就是,這個時代擺在我們面前的唯一問題?!栘?加繆 一天晩上我沿著小路漫步,路的一邊是城市,另一邊在我的下方是峽灣。我又累又病,停步朝峽灣那一邊眺望,太陽正落山,云被染得紅紅的,像血一樣。我感到一聲刺耳的尖叫穿過天地間;我仿佛可以聽到這一尖叫的聲音。我畫下了這幅畫,畫了那些像真的血一樣的云。那些色彩在尖叫?!獝鄣氯A.蒙克
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