案例簡介 Case description
項目名:容 Less is More
地 址:四川省成都市
面 積:146m2
業(yè)主需求:男主人在航空工業(yè)園上班, 女主人從事地產相關職業(yè),工作狀態(tài)都極其的忙碌, 雙方工作性質的截然不同,審美和個人喜好的也存在明顯的差異. 希望家盡量的簡潔,包容性強,有品質。需要保留大量的活動空間,留給自己的女兒活動,玩耍。
設計說明: Design Specification
包容: 家應該包括三個維度:物質、情感、情感和精神,不僅僅停留在單一物理層面,還需要啟動情感和精神維度的需求.本案力求簡潔, 少即是多為設計原則, 求同存異. 空間上以黑白灰作渲染,大量的留白提高空間的包容性,促進家庭的和諧.
擴容: 客餐廳、廚房、書房、門廳空間既保持互通相連,又體現出每個空間的獨立性. 以超高入戶木質折疊門、電視墻木質移門、廚房玻璃移門作為空間隔斷, 可變的空間容量獲得擴容,更加靈動.
空靜能容: 通過圖形、比例、線條、色彩、質感等介質, 以回歸本心的堅韌, 強調“有品質的簡樸”, 尋求空間中的空靜之美,挖掘空間中的意與境.
Home is a space where couple live, love, go through the short yet long course of their lives hand by hand.
This case, designed based on the concept of “l(fā)ess is more” demonstrates three layers of implications from reality to spiritual.
First, bigger space, making best use of the wooden folding door to the ceiling, removable wooden TV wall and glass door to keep the living&dinning room, study room and foyer interconnected yet private, thus ensuring the maximum utilization.
Second, high-end quality, mainly applying for black, white and grey in color, emphasizing on the texture in material, and keeping all items and elements inside harmony.
Most importantly, love and inclusiveness, the couple hold obvious likes and dislikes due to their different working styles and growing-up background. Even so, they agree to disagree through constant communications with designer to reach a balance, which shows their deep love and inclusiveness to the other. That’s just what home really means.
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